What's A Good Way To Add A Salty Taste Without Using Salt? - Benson's Gourmet Seasonings (2024)

When learning to cook a low sodium diet, the challenge is not just learning how to get flavor into food without using salt. It’s learning how to get that salty flavor or a nice salty edge to their food they are missing. How can you get the salt taste that is missing? One of the best ways is to learn to add foods and seasonings with a tangy or tart flavor, like lemons, vinegars and tangy fruits like pomegranates.

Here are 4 tips to help achieve good flavorful low sodium results with a salty edge:

  1. Use a variety of salt free seasonings. Especially salt free seasonings with a lemony or citrusy edge to them. You need good quality salt free seasonings. They also need to be fresh seasonings for the best results. You need more than one, as you will get tired of the same flavor on everything pretty fast. Something you try today and may not like, try using it again in a few months and you might really like it. Your taste buds will change when you cook without salt.
  2. Use fresh lemons, limes, or most any citrus fruit. This is one of the best flavor tips for getting a salty flavor without using salt. Fresh lemon is one of the closest natural flavors to salt. You taste salt and you pucker-up then you taste fresh lemon and pucker-up also. Just a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to most food with brighten with a salty taste. Not too much lemon juice or it may become too lemony instead of with a salty edge. Experiment with the amount of lemon needed. The regular lemons work best here, not Meyer lemons as Meyer lemons are sweeter. You can also add a strip or two of fresh lemon peel to water when cooking to help flavor the water without salt. Try this especially when poaching fish, or chicken, even vegetables. Add fresh lemon zest to recipes, even at the end of cooking. A little freshly grated lemon zest sprinkled on top of foods like vegetables at the end of cooking is very nice. Be sure to use just the yellow part of the peel and not the white pith. The pith is bitter, not sour and doesn’t taste very good. The key here is to use fresh lemons.
  3. Try using different vinegars. Almost any vinegar will work except seasoned rice vinegar, as it usually contains salt. There are so many kinds of vinegars; apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, red wine vinegar, sherry vinegar, balsamic vinegar and so many kinds of herb vinegars. Tarragon vinegar tastes surprisingly good to most folks, with a nice hint of a salty taste. Try making your own homemade mayonnaise with this vinegar. Different brands taste different, so you may need to try several until you find one you like.
  4. Find foods with a tangy or tart flavor like pomegranates or berries like raspberries. Try sprinkling fresh pomegranate seeds or fresh raspberries on a green salad or a fruit salad. Pomegranate juice, fresh pomegranate juice if possible, is is a great addition to perk-up salads and salad dressings. You may have seen or tried a Raspberry Vinaigrette. Pomegranate molasses (sometimes called pomegranate syrup) is also a wonderful ingredient added to salad dressings, as well as many sauces especially a barbecue sauce. It is important to read the labels for the sodium content or make your own. Some pomegranate syrups have salt added but most do not and are available in many larger grocery stores, supermarkets and many ethnic markets especially Armenian or Mediterranean markets.

Apply these simple flavor tips and you will be amazed how flavorful your low sodium food can be, now adding that missing salty edge you have a more enjoyable low sodium diet.

What's A Good Way To Add A Salty Taste Without Using Salt? - Benson's Gourmet Seasonings (2024)


What's A Good Way To Add A Salty Taste Without Using Salt? - Benson's Gourmet Seasonings? ›

So using different kinds of vinegar, lemons and most any citrus will help food taste saltier. These would be considered more natural salt substitutes. Flavored kinds of vinegar are a great way to add flavor to your food without salt.

How to add salty flavor without salt? ›

6 Ways to Add Salty Flavor Without Salt
  1. Feta. Looking at another boring bland salad? ...
  2. Parmesan. Same cheesy story, different cast of characters. ...
  3. Capers. When I think "briny", capers and olives are always the first things that come to mind. ...
  4. Olives. ...
  5. Anchovies. ...
  6. Bacon.
Sep 8, 2016

What can I use instead of salt that tastes like salt? ›

Other Healthy Alternatives to Salt
  • Garlic.
  • Lemon juice or zest.
  • Ground black pepper.
  • Dried onion or onion powder.
  • Nutritional yeast.
  • Balsamic, apple cider and red wine vinegars.
  • Paprika.
  • Truffle oil.
Jun 15, 2023

What seasoning is a good salt substitute? ›

Garlic Powder: Use in meats, poultry, fish, vegetables, salads, soups, and stews. Ginger: Use in soups, salads, vegetables, and meats. Lemongrass: Use in soups, stews, meats, poultry, seafood, and sauces. Marjoram: Use in soups, salads, vegetables, beef, fish, and poultry.

What seasoning to add if too salty? ›

Squeeze some lemon juice or orange juice over your dish. The sour flavor provides a new layer of complexity to the meal and should mellow out the salt. Drizzle in a mild vinegar like all-purpose vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or white wine vinegar to help mask the salt with acidity by distracting the taste buds.

What stimulates salty taste? ›

Because sodium and lithium are the only ions known to produce a purely salt taste, it is believed that these sodium- and lithium-specific channel receptors play a major role in sensing saltiness (Beauchamp and Stein, 2008; McCaughey, 2007).

Is Mrs. Dash a good salt substitute? ›

Is Dash a salt substitute? Dash seasoning blends are a salt-free flavoring alternative, not a salt substitute. Dash products contain blends of herbs and spices but no salt and an insignificant amount of potassium, which is sometimes found in salt substitutes.

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Potassium chloride looks the same as sodium chloride and tastes very similar. Potassium-enriched salt works to lower blood pressure not only because it reduces sodium intake but also because it increases potassium intake.

What salt substitute do doctors recommend? ›

Homemade salt-free seasoning blends that include oregano, parsley, basil, ginger, turmeric, etc., are among the best salt substitutes for people with high blood pressure, since they have natural anti-inflammatory properties.

What is the healthiest seasoning salt? ›

Some salts, including pink Himalayan salt and types of sea salt, are considered by many to be healthier than table salt. They are revered for their taste and texture and preferred by some because most (but not all) are less processed and may contain more trace minerals.

What is the healthiest salt to use? ›

Himalayan salt boasts all 84 essential trace elements which your body needs to function properly. Not only this, but it is known to promote stable blood sugar levels, reduce muscle cramp, and facilitate an optimal pH in your cells. It's no wonder it's so popular!

How can I increase my salty taste without salt? ›

Try different types of pepper, including black, white, green, and red. Experiment with vinegars (white and red wine, rice wine, balsamic, and others). For the most flavor, add it at the end of cooking time. Toasted sesame oil adds a savory flavor without added salt.

What to add if soup is salty? ›

Add a small amount of fresh herbs to the soup and stir until well combined. Acidic ingredients like lemon juice, vinegar, or tomatoes can also help to reduce the saltiness of soup. Add a small amount of acid to the soup and stir until well combined.

What happens to your body if you have too much salt? ›

Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It's easy to have too much salt (or sodium). Around three quarters of the salt we eat comes from packaged and everyday foods we buy, such as bread, breakfast cereals, meat products and ready meals.

How to get umami flavor without salt? ›

Soy sauce, tamari, rice vinegar, black garlic, all these ingredients add umami from fermentation,” said Robert Murphy, chef and culinary development specialist. “By adding just a small amount of vinegar, the flavor of a recipe doesn't need as much sodium to deliver a very flavorful sauce or seasoning.

How can something be high in sodium but not taste salty? ›

It's because sodium-containing additives in addition to salt are added to enhance flavor. Additionally sodium is used as a preservative, a thickener, a stabilizer, an ingredient binder and to enhance texture and color.

What cooking method allows you to flavor food without adding salt or fat? ›

Use herbs liberally.

Add tender, fresh herbs like basil, parsley, tarragon, cilantro and even some chopped green onion at the very end or cooking– they will give your dish a fresh flavor and a bit of crunch that complements any cooked vegetables and herbs.

What tastes naturally salty? ›

Salty nibbles

Capers, anchovies and olives are all likely to add salt to food.

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