UPSC Weekly Current Affairs Quiz | May 19 to May 25, 2024 (2024)

UPSC Weekly Quizis a current affairs-based quiz on relevant topics from the past week, curated for the aspirants of competitive examinations. Attempt the weekly quizevery Saturdayand find answers to the MCQs with explanations at the end of the article.

Statement 1: The winds in the region flow towards a southwesterly direction in the northern hemisphere and a northwesterly direction in the southern hemisphere.


Statement 2: The Earth’s west-east rotation causes all winds blowing between 30 degrees to the north and south of the equator to slant in their trajectory.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

(a) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and Statement 2 is the correct explanation for Statement 1.

(b) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and Statement 2 is not the correct explanation for Statement 1.

(c) Statement 1 is correct but Statement 2 is incorrect.

(d) Statement 1 is incorrect but Statement 2 is correct.



With reference to the rangelands, consider the following statements:

1. They contain vegetation such as grasses, shrubs, bushes, open forests, and agroforestry systems.

2. The nature of rangelands’ vegetation is influenced by rainfall and temperature.

3. They act as carbon sinks.

4. India do not have rangelands.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) Only three

(d) All four


The term “Karman line” was recently in news. It is:


(a) The boundary line separating inner planets and outer planets.

(b) The line separating Earth’s crust from Earth’s mantle.

(c) The line separating the troposphere from the stratosphere.

(d) The boundary line separating the Earth’s atmosphere from outer space.


Consider the following statements about the European Union’s Copernicus programme:


1. It aims to monitor the Earth and its environment by collecting data from a set of satellites known as the Sentinels.

2. It was launched in 1998.

3. It was earlier known as Global Monitoring for Environmental Security (GMES).

4. Currently, it is implemented by the European Commission (EC) with support from NASA.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) Only three

(d) All four


With reference to the palm oil, consider the following statements:

1. It does not contain saturated fats.

2. It boasts vitamins A and E.

3. It does not contain antioxidants.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None



Artemis III which will explore the south polar region of the Moon was recently in news. The mission Artemis III will be launched by:

(a) Canadian Space Agency (CSA)

(b) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

(c) Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)

(d) European Space Agency (ESA)


Consider the following statements:

1. About 45 per cent of the cybercrimes targeting India originates from the Southeast Asian region.

2. For India, the investment scams account for the highest amount of money-related scams.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


Consider the following statements:


Statement 1: India’s pulses imports in 2023-24 were highest since the 2016-17.

Statement 2: El Nino induced patchy monsoon and winter rains were the main reason of decline in domestic pulses production in 2023-24.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

(a) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and Statement 2 is the correct explanation for Statement 1.


(b) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and Statement 2 is not the correct explanation for Statement 1.

(c) Statement 1 is correct but Statement 2 is incorrect.

(d) Statement 1 is incorrect but Statement 2 is correct.


Consider the following statements about Antarctic Treaty:

1. India have joined this treaty in 1983.

2. All signatories will have the freedom to carry out scientific investigations.

3. India is hosting the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM 46), also known as the Antarctic Parliament.

4. Nuclear testing or disposal of radioactive waste materials is not prohibited anywhere in Antarctica.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) Only three

(d) All four



With reference to the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), consider the following statements:

1. It happens when bacteria or viruses no longer respond to antimicrobial medicines.

2. The misuse and overuse of antimicrobials are the main drivers in the development of drug-resistant pathogens.

3. It makes infections difficult to treat.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None


With reference to The Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (1933), consider the following condtions:

1. A permanent population

2. Defined territory government

3. Capacity to enter into relations with other states

4. Having their own currency

How many of the conditions given are identified conditions of a state?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) Only three

(d) All four


With reference to the Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR), consider the following statements:

1. LFPR represents the demand for jobs in an economy.

2. It even includes people like a 35-year-old married woman who is not actively looking for a job or a 22-year-old who is busy pursuing higher education but has potential to be employed.

3. It excludes 65-year-old who no longer wants to work.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None


Naegleria fowleri, recently seen in news is:

(a) a virus causing rare brain infection

(b) a recently discovered butterfly

(c) an extinct species of marine ecosystem

(d) None of the above


With reference to World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024, consider the following statements:

1. India is ranked highest in South Asia and among the lower-middle-income economies.

2. US, Spain, Japan, France and the UK figure among the top five in the 2024 list.

3. The results highlighted that high-income economies generally continue to have more favourable conditions for travel and tourism development.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 3 only


Which of the statements given below with reference to Project Udbhav, recently seen in news, is correct?

(a) It aims to promote indigenous military knowledge by merging ancient strategic insights with modern military practices.

(b) Its main objective is promote MSMEs with the support of international financial forums and agencies.

(c) It addresses the lack of skill in specialised technologies and services and aims at opening opportunities for skill development.

(d) It is an initiative of Government of India for research and development in the AI technologies.


1. (a)


Last month, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecast above-normal rain in the upcoming monsoon season in India, with “favourable” La Nina conditions expected to set in by August-September.

—El Niño (“little boy” in Spanish) and La Nina (“little girl” in Spanish) are ocean-atmosphere interactions that affect the temperature of the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. These have an impact on the worldwide weather system.

— The Earth’s west-east rotation causes all winds blowing between 30 degrees to the north and south of the equator to slant in their trajectory. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

— As a result, winds in the region travel southwest in the northern hemisphere and northwest in the southern hemisphere. This is known as the Coriolis effect. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

—Because of this, winds in this belt (known as trade winds) blow westward on either side of the equator. Under typical ocean conditions, these trade winds move westward along the equator, from South America to Asia. Wind movement over the ocean causes upwelling, a phenomena in which cold water beneath the ocean surface rises and displaces warm top waters.

Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and Statement 2 is the correct explanation for Statement 1.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

2. (c)


About half of the world’s rangelands are degraded and need policy interventions, and communities depending on them need focused support, according to a new report of the United Nations Convention on Combating Desertification (UNCCD).

—The UNCCD report defines rangelands as natural or semi-natural ecosystems that are grazed by livestock or wild animals.

— Vegetation in rangelands includes grasses, shrubs, bushes, open forests, and agroforestry systems (land with trees, crops, or pastures). Hence, statement 1 is correct.

— Rainfall, temperature, and other climate variables all have an impact on the vegetation in rangelands. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

—Rangelands currently occupy 80 million square kilometres of the Earth’s terrestrial surface area (more than half of all land), making them the world’s largest land cover or land use type, according to the UNCCD research.

— They serve as carbon sinks (absorbing more carbon from the atmosphere than they emit), freshwater storage facilities, and prevent land desertification. Millions of people worldwide rely on rangelands for food security and livelihoods. Hence, statement 3 is correct.

—Rangelands provide 16% of world food output and 70% of feed for tamed herbivores, primarily in Africa and South America.

— According to the UNCCD report, rangelands in India cover around 1.21 million square kilometres, stretching from the Thar Desert to Himalayan meadows. Hence, statement 4 is not correct.

—According to the UNCCD assessment, over half of the world’s rangelands are “degraded” and suffering a “silent demise”.

—Climate change, inappropriate land and livestock management practices, biodiversity loss, and the conversion of rangelands to farmlands are among the key causes of rangeland degradation.

Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

3. (d)


On Sunday (May 19), India-born aviator and commercial pilot Gopi Thotakura, together with five other space tourists, became the latest group of people to take a short recreational trip to space.

—Thotakura, who is stationed in the United States, is the first Indian space tourist, but over 50 others have made similar voyages, the most of which have occurred in the last three years.

—Thotakura travelled onboard a Blue Origin spaceship, one of the few private space enterprises that provides a thrill ride to passengers who desire to travel into space. The entire flight, from takeoff to landing, lasted only around ten minutes, during which the spacecraft reached a maximum height of approximately 105 km above the Earth.

Space flight begins around 100 kilometres above Earth after crossing the so-called Karman line, which is widely considered as the boundary line dividing the Earth’s atmosphere from outer space.

—Thotakura’s journey was classified as a suborbital space flight. The spacecraft did not enter an orbit around the Earth. It passed the Karman line, remained there for some time, and finally returned to Earth.

Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

4. (c)


Soon after Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter crashed on Sunday (May 19), the European Union (EU) launched its quick satellite mapping service to assist with search efforts in response to Iran’s request.

—The rapid mapping service is one of the crucial components of the Emergency Management Service (EMS), which comes under the EU’s Copernicus programme.

— The Copernicus programme is part of the EU’s space programme and aims to monitor the Earth and its environment by collecting data from a set of satellites known as the Sentinels. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

—It also gets data from contributing missions (existing commercial and public satellites) and in situ or non-space sources such as ground stations.

—The data is processed and evaluated to produce value-added information that may be applied to a wide range of applications in many fields. These include land management, the maritime environment, the atmosphere, emergency response, security, and climate change, according to the European Space Agency’s (ESA) website.

— The Copernicus programme, formerly known as Global Monitoring for Environmental Security (GMES), was launched in 1998. Hence, statement 2 and 3 are correct.

— It is now being implemented by the European Commission (EC), with help from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Environment Agency (EEA). Hence, statement 4 is not correct.

—The Copernicus EMS, which has been operational since 2012, delivers geospatial information generated from satellite remote sensing and in situ data sources to assist in the management of natural catastrophes, man-made emergencies, and humanitarian crises.

Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

5. (a)


—The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) have joined forces to release a vital update to India’s dietary guidelines for 2024.

—It clearly states, “If the foods are ultra-processed or high in fat/sugar/salt, then enriching them with nutrients or fortifying cannot make them wholesome or healthy.”

The medical body recommends the consumption of wholesome and minimally processed foods “to ensure consumption of safe, right balance of the required nutrients.”

Palm oil contains a variety of fats. While it contains saturated fats, which can elevate LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, it also includes monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are better. Hence, statement 1 is not correct.

— Palm oil contains vitamins A and E, which are necessary for immunity and healthy skin. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

— It even contains antioxidants, which combat free radical damage in the body. Hence, statement 3 is not correct.

—According to studies, palm oil may elevate LDL cholesterol, but not to the same extent as trans fat. However, a hidden benefit is its potential to increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol, which aids in the removal of LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream, so improving heart health.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

6. (b)


NASA astronauts have begun a week-long field test in the lunar-like landscape of San Francisco Volcanic Field near Flagstaff, Arizona, to practice moonwalks for the Artemis campaign.

—NASA astronauts Kate Rubins and Andre Douglas, dressed in imitation spacesuits, completed a series of technological demonstrations, hardware checkouts, and Artemis science operations in the desert.

—NASA will assess the gaps and challenges associated with lunar South Pole activities, including as data collecting and communication between the flight control team and the science team in Houston to enable rapid decision-making methods.

—The Artemis III astronauts will travel to lunar orbit, where two crew members will drop to the surface and conduct new science for about a week near the Moon’s South Pole before returning to lunar orbit to rejoin their crew for the return trip to Earth.

Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.

(Other Source:

7. (a)


According to data analysis by the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), a division of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), approximately 7,000 cyber-related complaints are registered with the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP) on a daily basis, with the majority of frauds originating in three Southeast Asian countries: Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos.

— I4C has detected a considerable increase in the amount of cybercrime attacks targeting India, with approximately 45% coming from Southeast Asia, primarily Cambodia, Myanmar, and Lao PDR. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

—There are four types of scams — digital arrest, trading scam, investment scam (task based) and romance/dating scam.

— Indians lost Rs 120.30 crore in digital arrest, Rs 1,420.48 crore in trading scam, Rs 222.58 crore in investment scam, and Rs 13.23 crore in romance/dating scam. Hence, statement 2 is not correct.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

8. (a)


In April 2024, the consumer price index for cereals was 8.63% higher than in April 2023.

India’s pulse imports totaled $3.75 billion in 2023-24 (April-March), the highest level since 2015-16 and 2016-17, when they were $3.90 billion and $4.24 billion, respectively. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

—The main reason is the El Niño-induced patchy monsoon and winter rain, causing a decline in domestic pulses production from 27.30 million tonnes (mt) in 2021-22 and 26.06 mt in 2022-23 to 23.44 mt in 2023-24, as per the Agriculture Ministry’s estimates. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

—In terms of quantity, imports of main pulses were 4.54 million tonnes in 2023-24, up from 2.37 million tonnes and 2.52 million tonnes in the previous two fiscal years, but lower than all-time highs of 5.58 million tonnes, 6.36 million tonnes, and 5.41 million tonnes in 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18.

—Domestic pulses output has decreased from 27.30 million tonnes (mt) in 2021-22 and 26.06 mt in 2022-23 to 23.44 mt in 2023-24, according to Agriculture Ministry projections.

—Chana (from 13.54 mt in 2021-22 to 12.27 mt in 2022-23 and 12.16 mt in 2023-34) and arhar/tur (from 4.22 mt to 3.31 mt and 3.34 mt) have both experienced sharp output drops.

—Renewed food inflation pressures have compelled the government to lift tariffs and quantitative restrictions (QR) on most pulse imports.

Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and Statement 2 is the correct explanation for Statement 1.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

9. (c)


India is hosting the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM 46), also known as the Antarctic Parliament, from May 20-30 in Kochi. India had last hosted the ATCM in New Delhi in 2007. Hence, statement 3 is correct.

—The National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa, through the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), has organised the meeting, which will be attended by the 56 member countries of the Antarctic Treaty.

Antarctic Treaty

—The Antarctic Treaty, signed on December 1, 1959, was originally signed by twelve countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the USSR, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The pact entered into force in 1961, and 56 countries, including India in 1983, have subsequently joined it. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

—The Antarctic Treaty, signed during the Cold War, effectively declared Antarctica a “no man’s land” that was beyond the scope of international geopolitical conflict.

—A few key features of the treaty are:

(i) Antarctica shall be used only for peaceful purposes, and no militarisation or fortification shall be allowed.

(ii) All signatories will have the freedom to carry out scientific investigations, and should share plans for scientific programmes, extend required cooperation, and freely make available the data gathered. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

(iii) Nuclear testing or disposal of radioactive waste materials shall be prohibited anywhere in Antarctica. Hence, statement 4 is not correct.

—Since 1983, India has been a consultative party to the Antarctic Treaty. In this position, India votes and participates in all major Antarctic decision-making processes. 29 of the 56 states that have signed the Antarctic Treaty are consultative parties.

Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

10. (c)


According to the most recent Lancet study, antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria kill about five million people worldwide each year. In India, AMR caused around 10,43,500 deaths in 2019.

What is Antimicrobial Resistance?

— This occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites no longer respond to antimicrobial medicines, which include antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiparasitics. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

—Antibiotic resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria evolve to be resistant to medications that have been widely used or misused. As a result, infections become more difficult or impossible to treat, raising the risk of disease transmission, severe sickness, disability, and death.

— The abuse and overuse of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and plants are the primary causes of drug-resistant infections. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

—According to WHO, it makes infections more difficult to treat and increases the danger of various medical operations and treatments, such as surgery, caesarean sections, and cancer chemotherapy. Hence, statement 3 is correct.

Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

11. (c)


—The Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (1933), identified four conditions of a state: “a permanent population, defined territory, government, and capacity to enter into relations with other states.”

Therefore, (c) is the correct answer.

12. (b)


—The LFPR is the percentage of the working-age population that is demanding a job. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

—As such, it excludes people like a 35-year-old married woman who is not actively looking for a job or a 22-year-old who is busy pursuing higher education or a 65-year-old who no longer wants to work. Thus the LFPR represents the demand for jobs in an economy. Hence, statement 2 is not correct but statement 3 is correct.

Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.

13. (d)


A five-year-old girl undergoing treatment for primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a rare infection caused by Naegleria fowleri or “brain-eating amoeba”, died at the Government Medical College Hospital in Kozhikode on Monday (May 20).

—Primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) is a rare brain infection that is caused by Naegleria fowleri. It is a free-living amoeba or a single-celled living organism.

—Naegleria fowleri lives in warm fresh water and soil around the world, and infects people when it enters the body through the nose. Higher temperatures of up to 115°F (46°C) are conducive to its growth and it can survive for short periods in warm environments.

—The amoeba can be found in warm freshwater, such as lakes and rivers, swimming pools, splash pads, surf parks, or other recreational venues that are poorly maintained or minimally chlorinated.

Therefore, (d) is the correct answer.

14. (c)


, the annual report showed on Tuesday.

—While the US topped the list, India is ranked highest in South Asia and among the lower-middle-income economies, the WEF said. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

—After the US, Spain, Japan, France and Australia figure among the top five in the 2024 list. Hence, statement 2 is not correct.

—The results highlighted that high-income economies generally continue to have more favourable conditions for travel and tourism development.

—This was helped by conducive business environments, dynamic labour markets, open travel policies, strong transport and tourism infrastructure, and well-developed natural, cultural and non-leisure attractions. Hence, statement 3 is correct.

Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

15. (a)


A cooperative effort between the Indian Army and the United Service Institution of India ‘Project Udbhav,’ was launched at the first-ever Indian Military Heritage Festival in New Delhi.

This project aims to promote indigenous military knowledge by merging ancient strategic insights with modern military practices.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

(Other Source:

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UPSC Weekly Current Affairs Quiz | May 19 to May 25, 2024 (2024)
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