The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

20 SCRANTON TIMES. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1981. Miscellaneous Mdse. I Miscellaneous Mdso.

I AUTOMOTIVE I AUTOMOTIVE RENTALS AKIMALS AUTOMOTIVE Recreational Equipment Traval Trailari Campari Motorcyolas-Soootars 308 Qartft Sal Pats-Pat Supplitt 332 SAAB 99LE. 73 Very sood condition. 100,000 miles. 348-3285 or 586-0928 after 6 p.m. SCIROCCO miles.

Air-cOndi tuning. AM-FM tape. All extra. Still unaer raciory warranty, mi-wh. SEPT.

SPECIAL Get your Car Waxed and Cleanea-up inside tor only a j.a. Call 344-4253 or 562-0356 after 5 p.m. ask tor joe the King SILVER ELDORADO 'TB Diesel. Low mileage, like new. Call 489-7531.

THUNDERBIRD 'SB 2-door hardtop, ex cellent inside and out. Must see. Priced to sell. 717-2534443. TORINO 74 Station Wagon, power steering, small v-H, automatic, 4t.uuv mnes, iii-QMiXi.

TOYOTA COROLLA 70-SR5. Lift back, 2 tone silver, 5 speed, air, AM-FM stereo. Showroom condition. 343-8898. TOYOTA TERCEL '814 door sedan, automatic, 3,000 miles, amfm stereo.

489-6305 after 4 p.m. VANITIES Toilets, wood panelling, light fixtures, sofas, chairs, under lay-ment, baint, jeans, carpeting, waterb-eds, metal utility cabinets, dining room sets, pool chemicals, some mobile home parts. The Warehouse, 1216 jacKson scranton. i til a 9 to 1. VOLARE COUPE 766 cylinder, auto-matic, power steering, 49,000 miles, excellent.

Guaranteed 222-4826. VOLKSWAGEN 'SO Bug. Re-con ditioned, ready to go. $1095. Call 347-8227.

VOLKSWAGEN '73 Good condition. Needs transmission work. Asking $500. Call 344-1358, Ralph. VOLKSWAGEN 74 Bug.

$1,200. Runs good. Phone 344-9713. VOLKSWAGEN 77 Rabbit, 4-speed, 41,000 miles. Excellent condition.

$3,095. 347-7226. VOLVO 71144 Sedan. Turquoise, condition, good tires, radials, call 26-3535. VOLVO 75 245DL wagon.

4 cylinder automatic, many options. Well cared for. $4250. 346-4649 Mon. through 9 to 5.

VOLVO 79242 DL, 4 speed, AM-FM, rear defogger, 34,000 miles. Excellent condition. Asking $7.000. 347-1629. Recreational Equipment Boats 12' BOAT AND TRAILER 16'-587-2374.

14 FT. FIBERGLAS BOAT Trailer. 40 horsepower Mercury motor. Motor in good running condition. Boat and trail-er fair.

$250. 282-4750. Snowmobiles 440 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILE An sleigh, extra parts, runs good. $325. 388-6769 after 1 p.m.

Automobllas For Sala CLOSE OUT ONLY 3 LEFT PALOMINO Light weight pop-up camping trailers. Last two 28' and 33' 1981 Wilderness Travel Trailers for Florida Winter travelers. Special prices on non toxic Anti Freeze. Wide World RV Center, Route 315, Wilkes-Barre Highway. Phone Toll-free Scranton, 655-4553.


Phone 344-4638 '80 CADILLAC ELDORADO Fully Loaded, Like New. Wyoming AutsSiles 90S Wyoming Scranton 961-3321 IVAGOrJS. IF YOUR FORD NEEDS FIXIIV See GIBBOUS IN DICKSON Conveniently located 3 miles off Rt. 81, Take Exit 56, Turn Right and Right Again at First Light. 704 Boulevard Ave.

981-1 873 439-4747 -eSPECIALS- S32 CHEVELLE MALIBU COUPE '10 Power steering and brakes, am-fm, automatic, small V-8. 2 tone oaint. 7.000 miles excellent. $5,295. Trades accepted.

222-4826. CHEVETTE "BO Low mileage, AM-FM radio, 2-door, 16.000 miles 586-0564 after s. 1 CHEVETTE 'BO 4-door sedan, 4-speed. Excellent condition. $4,600 or best of- fer.

348-1653. 864-376Z, 6 to CHEVROLET MONZA 75-Hatchback, 8 cylinder, automatic, body good. 1B0U. uan abi-wi aner p.m. CHEVROLET NOVA '75 door, automat ic, power steering.

Women's car, spotless. Ontv SI. 885. 342-7028. CHEVROLET 77-Mont Carlo, Landau, small V-8, automatic, power steering, oower brakes, air.

AM-FM, tilt wheel, cruise control, sport wheels, blue with blue top and blue interior, nuns ana looks like new. Kivercrest Motor, ooj CHEVROLET "78-Nova. 6 cylinder. 2 door, automatic, power steering, air. sjzaa.

umect luartoni, X3 tt CHEVROLET 70 Chevette, automatic. Excellent condition. Low mileage 3bUU. lail J40-3B. DATSUN 'SO 310GX.

Front wheel drive. 35 plus miles per gallon. 20,000 highway miles. AM-FM cassette. Book value $5,000.

Sell for $4,500, 344-6253 DATSUN '81310. Only 3,000 miles. 5 speed. AM-r-M, tracx, rront wneei qnve. t55-u43i.

DELTA 88 OLDSMOBILE 70 Very good running condition, $450. Phone 698- 5923. DODGE '69 Coronet. 4-door. 318 en tine.

Automatic. 347-8500 or 842 079. $300, DODGE 71 Coronet station wagon 318 engine. $250. 876-3305.

DODGE 734 door, loaded, $800. As is. 346-8764. DODGE 75 Monaco. All new radial tires, latest insoection.

Power steering. hwwer brakes Luggage rack. $1,450 1343-4470. DODGE 76 Oart. Slant 6 cylinder, automatic, 2-door.

Newly refinished and painted. $1950. 654-lob9. DODGE SWINGER 71 Automatic, 6-cy Under, new transmission, new brakes, runs good. After 5, 343-0305 DODGE DART 6 automatic, body excellent, runs well, $1250.

698-9363, 489 8002. DUSTER 72 V-6, automatic, air, new brakes, inspected, runs well. $550. Call 343-5963. FIREBIRD 746 cylinder, automatic.

power steering, runs good, $1,295. 457-8453, 457324, 457-4981. FORD FAIRLANE '65 Sport Coupe $600. Like new. Apply at Andy's Arco, S.

Blakely Dunmore. 340-4B FORD 74 $700. Call 282-4885. FORD 74 LTD V-8 automatic, power steering, power braKes, neeas transmission work. $150.

Phone 346-2395. FOPfl '75 Tnrina Waffon. Verv fin condition. Asking $1250. Car! 346- 8664.

mon 11 ITn I anrian riina) Air manv nntinns. wire wheels, rvc Aa GRAN FURY '77 Power steering brakes, air, vinyl top, AM-FM radio, new tires, large engine, excellent condition. Must sell. $1150. 488-6816.

HONDA 77 ACCORD 5 speed, 3037 miles Der sallon. Resular eas. Air, ex cellent condition. $3975. 842-7381.

HONDA CIVIC 76 New tires, new paint. 46,000 miles, excellent condition. $2,000. Phone 347-ZOB9, INVITATION FOR BIOS 1972 Chevrolet C50 14 ft. van new box, exce ent condition.

1975 Dodge 1 ton window van, fair condition. To inspect contact Steve Carey, 717 421-4224. extension 238. Sealed Bids with a certified check for 10 percent ot the bid must be received by Sept. 25, 1981.

Mail bids to asuracx tstate. rust impairment. Security Bank and Trust 814 Main Stroudsbura, Pa. 18360. Bids will be opened Oct.

1, 1981 at 1 p.m. Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or an Digs. JEEP CJ-S 79 6-cylinder, 3-speed, power steering, power brakes, wagon wheels, 4 new raised lettered tires, new rag-top, new paint. S4uu. JEEP '80 CJ-7.

Blue, white soft-top, 6-cylinder, automatic, power steering, $6500. Wanas Auto Safes, Blakely, Pa. LTD 78 $950. Needs minor repairs. Call 282-4885.

MALIBU 77 Classic. 6-cVlinder. 2- door. Excellent condition. $3,200.

457 5653. MERCEDES BENZ '72-280SE, very good. Must sell. 587-3852. MERCURY '64-6-cylinder, $150.

Call between 12 5, 489-9815. MERCURY 72 Needs an exhaust sys-tem, $300. Call 347-1040. MERCURY 73 Monterey. 2-door.

Hard top. Fully equipped. $500. 876-1213. MERCURY COUGAR 74 Loaded.

Excel lent condition. $2095. 842-2924. UAlrMMMAHA I rw4a.i irfAmalu- power steering, power brakes, 57,000 miles. MONTE CARLO '78305 V-8, loaded With all options, $4999.

J4J-959B. MUSTANG '806 cylinder, automatic. AM-FM cassette, air, power steering, brakes. Asking $6700 firm. Call 344- 7293, 9bl-BJJd.

NEWPORT 72 Power steering, power braKes, 4ug. negotiaoie. la" 1044 between 6-8 p.m. OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 72 Convert ible. New blue paint.

White top, nice car. $2200. JBB-tXM. OLDSMOBILE T0RONAO0 78 Immacu late condition, fully equipped, 1 owner. frice to sen.

PANE MOTOR SALES 1040 N. WASHINGTON SCRANTON 342-0S7S OLDSMOIILE 'Bt Cutlass Brouoham 2-door. Air-conditioning. Stereo. Mag wheels.

Velour interior. Low mileage. Trade considered. Weekdays call after 5, 346-3096. PINTO 74 Station wagon, automatic transmission, good condition.

Call 343-872 PINTO V-S 78 Station Wagon, air con ditioned, radial tires, low mileage. Ak ing si, oo. rnone w-9u. PINTO SQUIRE WAGON 78 Automatic, power steering, rust proof, radials, 48,000 miles. Excellent.

Asking $2550. Call 4B9-9SWJ. PLYMOUTH FURY 77 Power steering, brakes, new tires, new battery, 45.000 mile. Slo engine. wsryiooucunanKjn Book $2350, sell $1550.

468-6816. PLYMOUTH 70 Fury Salon. 4-door sedan. Small 318 engine. Automatic.

Power steering, power brakes. Air-conditioning. AM-FM radio. New inspection. New tires.

40,000 miles. Private owner. $3200. 562-0581. swtjsoUTM FURY 70 Excellent condi tion.

318 lean-bum. $2100. CaH 562- 1483. PLYMOUTH 7S TC-3. 4-cvtinder.

4 speed, AM-FM radio, rod and black two-tone oaint. rear sooiler. Rally wheels. deluxe Interior. Real sporty.

Rivercrest Motor, soktsaj. PONTIAC 7B-PireOrrd, srnak V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air, tilt-wheel, AM-f stereo. Sky Ehrd KlttlflOf. hoawycOni)a)d wtVMjtL Thl CefJf if ttupajf Riwcmst Motoft, 383-0520. akaUaYTSaaA eV.

f. ki.t a a. pOtMf ftWnnaajpBjefjf brakes, 18,000 rmie. so-5sr. POftTWO PHOENII '00 Hatchback custom paint automatic, sir, power steering, power oraoee, stereo.

26-35 miles per gallon, low mileage. Mint condition. $61 00 firm. S76-21U Times Classified Ads Bring Quick Results Phone 348-9157 Automobllas For Salt 110 BUNDV New. 876 1213.

DRUMMER AND KEYBOARO PLAYER Wanted to form band with guitarists, bass player and lead singer. All have experienced with established bands. 489-3031 after 5, KEYBOARD PLAYER Vocalist, looking to share interests with established Band. Phone 347-3996. PIANOS Uprights, grand and spinets wanted.

Call i uerrny w-i4Q. SPECIAL Used Piano, good (election, priced from $199. National Music Center, (tout 315, Plains. 654-7319: TV Sets. Radios.

Stereos 212 RCA VET-450 6 hour video recorder, 14-day programming, video search remote. 2 months old. $825, negotiable. Call 347-0873. RENT TO OWN-TV's and stereos.

No deposit. No credit checks. No long-term obligation. SUMMER SPECIAL -First week's rent, 99 cents! Call Color-tyme TV, 347-9000. Camarai-Hioto Supplies 216 CANON FTB 35mm.

Black body. 50mm plus 28mm lens. Many extras. $200. 654-1844.

TAMPON LENS 85-210 zoom. For Nikon. $110 Call before 2 p.m., 563-1813. Clothing-All Kinds 218 A-LINE PRISCILLA WEOOING GOWN With Lily of the Valley head-piece, long train and full veil. $100.

Size 12. 586-0855. HANDMADE Hooded cape. Gray wool blend, lined, misses medium, almost new. $40.

586-8677. -i rj; Jewelry and Diamonds 220 WOMAN'S WEDDING and engagement ring set. best oner. Must sen. uiii wi 1046.

Office Equip. I Supplies 224 ADORESSOGRAPH Model 1900. Com plete with filing cabinet tor plates. Also, 7500 B-2210-1-A blank plates for above. Will sell as package or separately.

Best offer. Call 346-7027 between 8 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Mon. Frl. HOME AND OFFICE SAFES FOR SALE Small and large sizes.

Key type and tumbler type. All fireproof. Fireproof filing cabinets plus standard-type filing cabinets. 2 and 4 drawers, letter size. Office metal desks, wooden den and student desks.

Gemty's Furniture, 902 Pittston Open 9 to 9, Monday through Saturday. Computers 226 TRS-80 MODEL 1 Software. NEW DOS80, forth, many application prog rams. 586-8515 before 9 p.m. Typewriters 228 IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER-11 in carriage, fully rebuilt, 90-day warranty.

$300 firm, 347-8372, 5 7 p.m. Sporting Goods 228 MOOSE HUNTING IN 0UEBEC-45 miles from Montreal. Room and board for 7 day hunting, guide and permit included for $825 per week. Strictly bow and arrow. Oct.

lOtoOct. 16 inclusive. 514- 533-4544. REDFIELD (2) 12 Power Target Scopes (CH), mint condition. $75 each.

BAUSCH AND LOMB (Old Model) Bal-var 8 2X8 oower scooe. (mint condi tion) with Kuharsky Bros, mount. Suitable for Remington 700 or Mark action. Both for $125. Write P.O.

Box 144, Dunmore, Pa. 18512. Bicycles 230 MEN MURRAY BAM 26" 10 SPEED $90. Also 3 speed $75. Like new.

342-3913. MENS 26" 10 SPEED Kent, Auxiliary brake levers, new tires, $90 negotiable. pnone Coal I Fuel AGEL COAL CO. INC. Whoesale and Retail Coal Oil Bag Coal Free Coal Budget PHONE 344-8561 A-l QUALITY COAL ECONOMY COAL CO.

We Only Sell The Best Call 344-5075 CITY COAL CO. Free Budget Plan CALL 344-1 2S1 COAL SUPPLY CO. The Finest of Fuel PHONE 348-7041 DREATER FUEL CORP. 1641 Nay Aug Avenue, Scranton. Jeddo Highland Coal, Concrete, Bottle Gas and Fuel Oil.

347-4900. FIREWOOD FOR SALE Cut and split Seasoned hardwood. Call 254-6558. SEASONED FIREWOOD $75 per load, delivered, (large truck). 876-4467.

SEASONED FIREWOOD 34 cord for $55. Delivered. 698-5450. SPECIAL ON COAL Low Priced to Fill Your Bin P. and R.

Bros. 961-6006 Building Materials 240 STORM AND SCREEN WINDOWS Aluminum, 28 56. $12. each or best offer for all 20. 945-3191.

VANITIES Toilets, wood panelling, light fixtures, sofas, chairs, under lay-ment, paint, jeans, carpeting, waterb-eds, metal utility cabinets, dining room sets, pool chemicals, some mobile home parts. The Warehouse, 1216 Jackson Scranton. 1 til 9 9 to 1. Machinery I Tools 244 DYNAHOE 190-A-Full cab. Heater.

$5500. 383-0964. GARAGE SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 18, 19. Furniture, lamps, luggage, tools, foot locker, clothes, etc. Route 307 near Johnson's Motel, Moscow.

10 a.m. GARAGE SALE Odds and ends, books, bike, roller set. sooliances. cot miscel laneous. Sept.

19. Court, R. 610 Wheel er Ave, GARAGE SALE Sept. 19. 20.

Sat, Sun. 10-4. 711 Marion Scranton. Glass were, furniture, miscellaneous! GARAGE SALE Furniture, records, toys, large executive chair. Much more.

Rt. 247 between Heart Lake and Finch Sat, and Sept. 19 and 20. GARAGE SALS 124 Master SU Sept 19th. 10-4 p.m.

OARAGE SALE 223 Midway Clarks Summit. Furniture, comics, Bottles, household items, miscellaneous. Sua. sept zo, to a p.m. BIANT MULfWAMH.Y Garage sale.

4 tg uay. so s. tno or sveeinerDy at, Dalton. GIANT YARD SALE High Oak bads. Oak drop leave desks, oak sideboard, wash- stands, oak found and square tables, oak dreason with minors, oak rockers and chairs, much enure ontiovo oak.

walnut and mahogany furniture. Guns-war, collectable. 65 Ford Thunder- bird. Sept 18, Sat. Sept.

19. 101 to From Noute 94B mi. cooe. Make turn acroae from Joe's Market, sala I ml down Cartel Rd. Watch tori (teAMTlC VARB SALE 206 Ceminsl Partway, oft Layton CMncnwa.

sat, sept. 19, vanetyi MOVtWO, HOUUHOLB AMD MISCELLANf -OuS ITEMS Scot ember 19th end 20th 9-4. 14 mile from Rainbow. Blue ruuea. Routa 990, EJrnhurst Musical Instnirnents 190 AKC MBERnUM Mils, IS month.

oU, mutt moving. $175. Phone 842-4449. MCC DOBERMAN MNSCHER PUPPIES Championship bloodline. No reds.

$250. Call 342-1903, noon 5 p.m. AKC SERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS-Chemp- lon bloodline, shots and dewermed. 388-2444. After 5.30, 388-6959.

AKC SOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES- Chamninnihin Knee. Phone 5874931 aner p.m. CLIPPING OR BATHIN8 DOGS OR CATS Poodles are our speciality. Marcia or Sutanne. 344-7700.

COLLIE AKC Female, smooth coeted blue merle. 3 years old. Price it cost of stay. aco-Bgo peiore p.m. DOB ER MANS Champion sired.

AKC. Top show stock. Eas, tails, dewclaws, done. Shots, wormed. Family raised.

Private breeder. $250 to $400. call between 1-3 or 1011 p.m. 587-2201. FREE GERBILS Call 344-0559 between 6 FREE KITTENS TO GOOD HOME 489 0832 ask for Sophie.

FREE MIXED SHEPHERD PUPPIES-563- 2106 after 4 p.m. FHEE TO 6000 HOME Dogs, mined breed, medium size, friendly. Good health. 676-9364. GERMAN SHEPHERD GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES7 weeks old, $25 each.

676- 9215. IRISH SPRINGER PUPPY 3 months old, mixed, shots and wormed. $25. 489- 4863. PUREBRED German Shepherd pup-pies.

Beautiful. $30. Call 489-6474. PUG PUPPIES Handsome 9 week old fawn male companion. More puppies available scon.

Call 689-4611 morn- Si RELOCATING-AKC REGISTERED LABRADOR RETRIEVER Free to good home. Preferably a tarm. 34Z-mt. YORKSHIRE TERRIERS Champion stock, born June 19, 1981. $350.

Call 676-9364. 2 MALE KITTENS 7 weeks old plus large 5 month old pup, Beagle and Phone 343-2046. Free. Miscellaneous Mdse. Auction Sales 201 COLONEL STEVE IT AR Liquidator.

Auctioneer. Specialist In restaurant and bar appraisals. PUBLIC AUCTION Hop Bottom, PA Firehall, 25 miles north of Scranton on Rt. 1 1, Monday night, September 21, 6 O'Clock P.M. Antiques, collectables, household goods and tools.

Gerald R. Pennay, Auctioneer, r-none an-Ka. Antigua. 204 BUYING ANYTHING OLD Also old jewel- 1, Turn ot the Lentury Antiques, aoe- ijBb, anytime. BUYING OAK, WALNUT Mahogany Fur niture.

Also, estate. Anytntng no. Lithia Valley Antiques, 563-1812. CARRIAGE HOUSE ANTIQUES Always buying antique furniture estates or single items, rnpne oby-owo. COUNTRY ANTIQUES Estate liquidations our specialty.

Buyers of antiques and good household furnishings. Cash paiq. 5B-UIU4, DINING ROOM Circa 1880. French Revival Renaissance, 66 in. breakfront China with stained glass doors.

51 in. square table with 2 (18) in. leaves. 8 cane seated spindle-back chairs, $6450. 70 in.

marble top sideDoara, $2900. Persian Sarouk rui. 12 ft. 10 in. 20 ft.

6 $14,000. Call Mr. Lee, 346-6593. Oriental Rugs Wanted Highest Priced paid 587-1025 Equip, 206 FRIGIDAIRE SELF-CLEANING STOVE White. $100.

Good condition. 383- 0964. GAS STOVE Apartment sin, Copper-tone, good condition. $75. Call 587- 3423.

GAS STOVE Apartment size, harvest very good condition, $110. 346-1844 after 5 6.E. 17 CU. FT. FROST FREE RE FRIGERATOR $350.

westingnouse Washer and Electric Dryer, $50 each. 842-2165 after 1 p.m. GE ELECTRIC STOVE $100. White. 383- 2882.

GIBSON REFRIGERATOR Pilot less stove, $200 each. 2 years old. 9774. HARVEST GOLD Refrigerator and electric range. 3 years old.

Excellent condition. $200 each. Call 698-5449. HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR 16.5 cu. avocado color.

Excellent. $175. 347-8946 after 5:30 p.m. RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY Portable washers and dryers. FALL SPECIAL! Save 3 months off rental period.

(Savings of over $130). Call Colortyme TV, 347-9000. RENT TO OWN Washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, micro-waves. No deposit. No credit checks.

No long-term obligation. SUMMER SPECIAL First week's rent, 99 cents. Call Color -tyme TV, 347-9000. TAPPAN DOUBLE OVEN RANGE $150. 728 Cherry Scranton.

WHITE DICKSON COMBINATION Coal and gas stove. Excellent condition. ASKing S13U. 344-B9i. Furniture -Hit.

Goods 208 BIG BOY RECUNER $125. brand new. Gold. Koehler sofa and chair, $100. Call 5 to 11 p.m., 562-1100, BLUE ANO GREEN VELVET SOFA Attached slate end tables, very good condition.

After 4, 842-4342. BRAND NEW CONTEMPORARY Living room set, sofa, chair, 2 end tables, coffee table. Paid $1400, asking $850. Call 383-2134 before 3 p.m. DINING ROOM SUITE Walnut, table, 3 leaves, pads, 6 cane-back chairs, 4 door hutch, buffet.

$1450. Phone 347- 8067. ENTIRE CONTENTS OF HOME FOR SALE Everything must go! Phone 4894837. 706 Pleasant Peckville, Pa. FOR SALE 2 -piece living mom suite, $125.

Call 961-1722. GAS STOVE $25. Maple table, chairs, $90, 12 16 rug, $106. 9 12 rug $25. Odds, ends $1 upl 489-3660 after 5.

MAPLE DOUBLE BED Complete, high chest, $150. 5 piece bedroom suite, $245. Call 347-8067. NEW FURNITURE FOR SALE Maple end pine, 42-Inch round kitchen eti 2-piece parlor settt and 3-piece love seat sets, both modem and colonial. Bedroom furniture.

Gerrity'a Furniture Store, 902 Pittston Ave. Open 9 to 9. Monday through Saturday. SIMON SCZ We ere buying and selling "Used but not abused furniture." The Simon Furniture Store, 851 Main St, Dickson City. 489-0501.

SOUS WOOD 8 PIECE DINING ROOM SET Pedestal table, 5' Buffet Asking $600. 698-9401. YOUNG BACWL0B 8reakJnf up apart- ftWlt. RayfnajejfajtOf, fUgS, fiVTfeS fMfll and kitchen. Car roof rack.

Call 961- 1046. I BOOMS OF FmjRt $599,95. -Living room, bedroom, dinette. Quality bond name. Up to 3 years to pay.

SULLUM'S FURNITURE 211 Lackawanna Soenton free Parking Next to Rear of Store PIECE alAPU KJTCHU SET $100 586-0996. S-rFJJt-OLB eg acnttSEUTOR-FREEZ ER Excellent condition. $125, CaM enytimai before 2 PSA, Sat, Arse Fun bed set 1 month $130. 383-2134. IBB I SINGER ZIG ZA $70.

with cabinet SMhtly used. Terms evenebta 346-7457. 134 CM) BON DALE 7 roomi. 1V4 baths $200 plirt utilities. Security.

Call 876- ihi, aner CHINCHIlli Single Private driveway, modern kitchen, laundry. 587-1813, 587-2131. CURKS CREEK Quiet neighborhood, 3 bedroom apartment, 1 bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, fuljy Insulated, storm windows, doom, electric heat. $350 monthly plus utilities. Sec urity ana references.

LARKS SUMMIT-Modem 2 bedroom, peting, cable t.v., woodburner: $230 pius Minnies. CURKS SUMMIT Sublease 2 bed room Townhouse. Reduced Rent. Laurehvood. Call after 5, 587-3687.

CLARKS SUMMIT 2 bedroom, 5 loom apartment. Second floor. Carpeted, nun, TvmKtnvivi, vuiwiii, water provided. Security deposit. No children.

sjuu. rnone w-BBg, ELK MT. AREA Beautiful 3-bedroom country home. Fully furnished. Security.

References. $400month Includes heat and electric. 222-4637. FOR RENT With option to buy, 3 bed-room ranch, Full cellar, Wt acres. Madisonville area.

$250 monthly. Call aner 6 p.m., ven-vsM. FURNISHED STUDIO ROOM Estate living. $250 plus heat and electricity. Best location.

Available November 1. Call 587-3538. GREENFIELD Executive apartment. 1500 sq. ft.

6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, electric heat. Lease, security, references required. Adults, no pets. Owner furnishes heated garage, water, sewage. $375 per month.

282-5819. 1ERMYN 2 bedrooms, 1st floor. $170 plus utilities and heat. After 6 p.m., 876-1981 or 876-1128. IESSUP Church St.

4 rooms, bath, 2nd floor, water, sewage furnished. Electric heat (not furnished). No Pets. Available Oct: 1st. 489-5686.

JESSUP 4 rooms, bath. Call evenings, 489-6494. LAKE WINOtA 8 room home, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, oil neat. $275 plus utilities. Security.

References. No Pets. Bon K-10, Times. LUXURY APARTMENT 6 rooms, 2 baths, wall to wall carpeting, 2nd floor. $485 monthly, including heat.

Phone 587-1326. MAYFIELD 5 rooms and bath. Vi double. Porch. Furnish heat.

Call 489-2851 between 4 and 7 p.m. PITTSTON AREA Nice location. 3 rooms plus bath, sun porch, off-street parkins, wall-to-wall carpeting. $210 plus utilities. No pets.

Security. Call 655-2458. SUB-LEASE AT LAURELWOOD APART MENTS Clarks Summit at greatly reduced rates. 586-8920 after 5. WAVERLY Mobile home, 2 bedrooms, big yard, porch.

Security. No Pets. 587-2052. Slooplni Rooms 138 CENTRAL CITY Sleeping rooms. Some kitchen privileges.

346-6354, 344-8901. DOWNTOWN Close to banks, stores, with cooking privileges. 343-7224 after a p.m. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT And sleeping room. 727 W.

Market apply in person, NEWLY REMODELED SLEEPING ROOMS Waldorf Hotel, call 961-9892. ROOM AVAILABLE Shower, carpeting. 514-516 Cedar Ave. Mobila Horns Parking 143 KEARNEY MOBILE PARK acre lot. 1 mile from Moscow, on Rt.

690. 842-7034. MOBILE HOME LOTS FOR RENT Sunset Mobile Home Park, Ransom, PA Phone 388-6149. Business I Office Rentals 1H WTO REPAIR GARAGE 2,500 sq. excellent location.

$350 per month. Phone 586-5411. DOWNTOWN 300 sq. ft. office space for rent.

Carpeted and partition. $165.00, 4th floor. Elevator service. Call 348-9173. FOR RENT 3,000 to 7500 sq.

ft. Located in Moosic. Prime location. Call 343-6619. MEOICAL OFFICE Modern, excellent location with level parking lot.

Call 342- 5837.. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Will renovate to your specifications. Phone 342-3425. OLD FORGE Second floor, 5,000 sq. suitable for light manufacturing.

220 electric power. Rent reasonable. 562-1948. PROVIDENCE SQUARE Busy corner location. Modern storefront.

Ideal for any business or office. 1,000 sq. ft. Heat, water furnished. 342-8508 STOREFRONT FOR RENT-1115 Jackson heat, water included.

562-1360 or 20127-6292, Industrial Rentals 154 MANUFACTURING-COMMERCIAL 22,000 sq. ft. Sprinklered. Loading docks. Approximately 4,000 sq.

ft. of air-conditioned offices. Phone 961-1445. Wanted To Rant 168 GARAGE IN ORAM STREET AREA 342-584 after 6. GARAGE WANTED For storage.

Call at-ter 4:00 P.M., 342-7205. WANTED TO RENT GARAGE Green RidgeOunmore area. Call 346-6722. OR 4 BEDROOM HOUSE-Call 282-1770 weekdays after 6 p.m. or write 39 Jef-ferson Simpson, Pa.

18407. 1 OR 4 MODERN UNFURNISHED ROOMS 1 person. Best references. Central City. Occupancy, Oct.

Write Box L-9. Times. FARMERS MARKET Farm EqnlpSalo Or Lease 171 PACKMASTER -SB-International 1890. 17 yd. Leach dump out.

Good condition. $3,500. Phone 587-4228. Fruits and Variables APPLES Sweet Oder. Sweet com and other vegetable.

White's Farm, Country Club Road, Clarks Summit. 587-2659. FRESH CIDER Aooles. tomatoes. potatoes and other home grown fruits ana vegeraoies.

nopiuns rami marw, Rt. 307, Milt City, 5874636. FRESH CKJEA-Aoptes, Peart end other home frown fruits and vegetables. Hopkins Farm Market. Route 307.


Maple Syrup. Flip's Farm Market, Route 690, Madisonville. 8XZ-73JO, PICK YOUR OWN SEANS-WhUe's Farm, Country On Hoed, darks Summit 587-2659, PICK YOUR OWN TOeUTBfcS! Thomp-sen's Oawy Bam, Newton, PA. Week day aner I a.m., eunoey aner tt a.m, 1 .180 AtoORASLI KITTfNS Free to goed SofTia). AKC AFGHAN HOUND 1 year old.

black male. With -paper. Serious inquiries only. Cell between 12 and 3, 344-4803. AKC ALASKA.

i MALAMUTE PUPS 6 tanBjejkg otl bfoocMtns. Stats, de-wormed $200 and MP. 842-4 780. akc BtMmFui eocua spaniel pup. PntS $150.

Col after p.nt, 348-0461. Suburban Rtntalt TWO 165SR14 RADIAL TIRES Brand new. Two F7814 belted summer tire. 586-0648. YAMAHA 650 Special, excellent condition.

yau juj-vsta. YAMAHA '70650 Special. YAMAHA '78, 400CC. 698-9244. YAMAHA '82 Virago.

Low mileage, SZBUU. MUSt tell. Mil Or 44, 5132. Automotive Parts 309 WINDSHIELDS UNDER $50 PARTS For most cars from -1960 to 1976. Call 344-1541.

Tiro TWO SNOW TIRES WITH WHEELS E78 14. A-l shape. $65. Call 347-9318. (5) TOO IS S-PLY GOODYEAR SNOW TIRES (61 wnoie nms.

new tuoes. $250. 347-1617. Vans S19 CUSTOMIZED VANS BY COACHMEN Year end clearance sale now on! LO- JAN TRAVEL CENTER, Scranton-Car- bondale Highway, 489-9302. OOOfiE 'B2 Van.

6-cvlinder enaine. Current inspection. Body good. Runs well, extra parts. unoeiievaDie.

o-2235. FORD 88 Econoline. Verv sood condi tion. Partially customized. $1,000 firm.

Call 343-4385. FORD 70 Van. Engine excellent, body fair. $950. 457-3BZ7, FORD 73 Van, 6 cylinder, automatic.

Mags. Radials. Mechanically excellent. Primer exterior. $775.

489-5556. Trucks-Panels-Pickups 824 BLAZER 78 K5-350T automatic, 4X4 posi, low mileage, no rust, excellent, $4,995. Trades accepted. Guaranteed 222-4826 CAP FOR CHEVROLET LUV-Or Oatsun pickup. ft.

box, red and white with lights, B4Z-Z40B aner a. CAP FOR PICK-UP TRUCK Green and white, $75. 282-3709. CHEVROLET BLAZER 774 wheel drive automatic, power steering, 1 owner Priced reasonable. $4,195.

INTERNATIONAL SCOUT TRAVELER 78 Exceptionally clean, garage kept, fully equipped, priced xeasonaoie. FORD RANGER 744 wheel drive pick up, excellent runner, 4 speed, power steering, ii.Baa. PANE MOTOR SALES 1040 N. WASHINGTON SCRANTON 342-087 CHEVROLET 78 Luv truck, 4-cylinder, 4-speed, low miles, extra-long box. Works hard and runs cheap.

Rivercrest Motors, 383-0520. OATSUN 70 Pick-up, cap, sunroof, am-rm, step Dumper, v.esu. oso 9208. AATCIIII'ia tfinarh l.civaH Pwi-aI. Ian MnitiAn Dariial lira Tarn Clan bumper.

AM-FM radio. Rust-proofea HSKing ytjuu. jo-fcwo. 'FORO 71 F100. Vi ton pickup.

4 wheel drive. S700. Call JB3-19U3. FORO PICK-UP 78 With cao. V-8 auto matic, power steering, only 45,000 miles, good condition.

$2,300. Phone 842-6902. FORD 78 F-100. Standard transmis sion, 6-cylinder, 49, UO miles, urigmai "Mwner. bxceiient conamon.

jiuu 945-SBOZ. GMC 73 lVi ton, automatic, 12 ft. van body. Good condition, i-au 43-341. tvemngs, zbp-jwh INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 72 4 -wheel-drive.

Good condition. $1,700. 346- 6362 PLYMOUTH '80 Arrow. Mini pick-up. 2 ennui tira Riict-nmnfaH Roll-bar.

$4800. 222-4488. TOYOTA '804 wheel drive, air-con ditioned, amfm radio, call 346-7613 between 9-5 p.m. WA60NEER '664 wheel drive, runs good. $600.

388-6769 after 1 p.m. Sports I Foreign Cars 828 JAGUAR 74 XJ12L. 58.000 miles. 4 door, silver, red leather interior. Like new.

$6900. Call 288-4719 after 3 p.m. PORSCHE 73914. Excellent condition. $3600.

Call 698-5381 before 3 p.m. TRIUMPH '7 TR-7. Only 19,000 miles, air, AM-FM cassette, S3B00. call between 10 5, 489-2069. Junk Cars-Trucks 831 I NEED JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS- Foreign and Domestic.

Paying up to $70. More for late models. Morgan Highway Auto Parts, 343-8282, JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS $50 and up. Keyser Valley Auto Wreckers, 347- 6062. JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS PURCHASED Any year, any condition.

TAYLOR AUTO JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED Pay ing up to $65. Call 344-4013 or 344- 6534. WANTED: iUNK CARS AND and up. Must run. 842-8079.

Automobiles For Sala 832 ABINGTON AUTO SALES FIRST LIGHT CHINCHILLA, PA. 966-6421 FALL CLEARANCE AMC 77 Matador Coupe. 20,000 ori ginal miles. V-8, automatic, air. Excel lent throughout.

$2,575. DODGE 78 Colt. 4 cylinder. 4 i Deed 18,000 original miles. Economy spe cial.

SJ.J3. SUPER ECONOMY CARS VOLKSWAGEN 75 Rabbit, 4 cylinder, 4 speed. Excellent throughout. $2,475. OATSUN 758-210, 4 cylinder, auto matic, good looking and runs excellent.

$1,875. HONDA 74 Civic CVCC, 4 cylinder automatic, way above average. $1,975. INTERMEDIATE ECONOMY CARS NOVA '75 Coupe, 39,000 original miles. A beauty.

AMC 75 Pacer. 6 cylinder, automatic. nice car. tiooa runner, rricea to sen. SPECIALTY CARS BUICK 73 Regal Coupe.

V-8, automat ic, dual exnaust, Keystone mags. Beautiful condition. MERCURY 73-Cougar Coupe. XR-7. 8, automatic.

Must see this one. TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS PINTO 74 Wagon. 4 speed. $1,075. AMC 74 Matador Coupe, $1,275.

DODGE 72 Demon Coupe. $975. OLDSMOBILE 70 V-8, automatic TRUCKS' CHEVROLET 74 Luv pickup truck, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, very nice, si.99, Aim mi 71 Wason. 43.000 mile. Air, automatic, regular gas.

30 miles per gallon. 93. uan aor-ju BMA Rnmwcir-lv rnnv, inu, 4-cylinder, automatic, stereo, 16,000 miles. $4,195. 457-3754, BMW 72-2002 TM.

Mechanically excellent. Needs some body work. $3800 587-5845. BUICK 7 Good condition, air, reclin ing seats, power windows, power brakes. Real cheap! 347-7265 after 4.

ajlim as Aranrl few Rami rKcal lem oonoition, eoou. caw jpg-ajr- BUCK 75-Skyhewk, V-6. 4-speed, power steering, power brakes. In good condition. $1,550.

942-6337 after 6. BUWK LIMITED 782 fully equipped. Landau roof, Kke new. S2.50a Can be seen at 162 Third St, Old Forge. BUICK 77 Opel, 34,000 miles.

Automatic Good condition. Beat offer. CaH 346-0952. BUtM CENTURY 77 V-6, 231, 69.000 mil. Air, power steering, brake.

CADILLAC 7 Good running condrtion. Loaded. Best offer. 347-7055 or 961- 9361. CADILLAC 76-Couoe DeVike, loaded, war, cruise control, wve wneels.

31 635 after 4 P.M. MID VALLEY DRIVE-IN FLEA MARKET Route 6, Eynon. Every Saturday. Last aaruroay, uctooer iu. MOVING Household Items.

10 to 5 sept. 17, is, 19. Rt. 6, Miller Rd. waveriy, on n.

Aoington no, SELLER SHOP REOPENED The Seller Shop In Dalton. United Methodist Church reopened. Now Is open each Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, 7 to 9 p.m. only on oepi.

io. oei- ung starts sept, ii. YARD SALE Sept. 19. 10 to 2.

Sept 20, 10 to 5. Small appliances, children's clothes, toys. 222 N. Filmore Ave. YARD SALE 1020 Jackson Scran ton, near Cut.

Hall, Hull, collectables. Sept. 18, 10-3. No early birds! YARD SALE Giant Yard Sale, 1549 Gardner Friday and Saturday, Sept. IB, 19, 9 to 3 p.m.

no eany pirns. YARD SALE Saturday. Noon until dark. Current Marywood textbooks, games, puzzles, toys, Artex and much more. Refreshments.

74 Pittston Avenue, Yatesville. YARD Sept. 19, 9 4. 1813 Brick scranton. variety! YARD SALE Sept.

19, Sat. 10 5. Rear 513 Mtnooxa moosic nam caie Sept. 26. Miscellaneous! YARD SALE Sun.

and Mon. Sept. 20 and 21. 10 til 5. 218 Knapp Clarks summit, Pa.

YARD SALE 336 Harwood Avenue. Clarks Summit. September 19, 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Miscellaneous.

Miscellaneous For Sala 260 AMERICAN STANDARD OIL FURNACE 588 sq. net steam, all controls, tanKs, perrect conamon. mi 5868. BABY CRIB COMPLETE $60 Wooden 0pen, $25. Carriageconverts to car stroller and high chair $50.00.

Phone 343-3262. CERAMIC MOLDS Like new condition Reasonably priced. Call after 48a- 7901. CHANDLER LAUNDRY Button sewer Rebuilt Kenmore and Singer machines. call 4B9-71ZB, tor appointment.

CIRCLE FLEA FAIR Every Sunday, 8 a.m. til 4 p.m. at the beautiful Circle Urive-in I neater, noute scranton-ICarbondale Highway, Scranton, Pa. Largest outdoor Flea Fair in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Hundreds of dealers, thousands ot buyers.

CLOTHING Children's Sizes, 8 to 12, Ladies 12 to 14, to siu. stereo, $95. Call 344-4618. ESTATE SALE Furniture, antiques, and miscellaneous items. Fischer stereo.

Mirrored mantle piece. 344-7833. FOR SALE NEW CORRUGATED CARTONS 200 lb test. 25 to bundle. 4M depth.

12M 20 LX4W WX1 aeptn. uneap. C. LEVY 502 E. Diamond Ave.

Hazleton 454-5933 FOR SALE SUPERFEX OIL OR KEROSENE STOVE $75. 586-2129. B.E. OIL BURNER 300.000 B.T.U. Indi rect hot water heater.

$250. Excellent. 344-4678. HOSPITAL BED And wheelchair, phone 344-7360. JUST IN FROM AFRICA! Ivory malachite, mahogany carving, at Fran's Nostaglia on the tiouievara, 44 Biva Dickson City, 489-3663.

KITCHEN CABINETS New and surplus. Call 942-6156. LLOYD'S AM-FM STEREO 8 track, $125. Lawnmower, $30. 342-6967.

OAK STORE COUNTER With drawers, glass showcases, 8W horsepower snow low. old barber chair, sewing machine, miscellaneous flea market items. Make an offer. 344-8813. OIL FURNACE AND TANK Very good con dition.

Call 282-4885. OLD MIRRORS MADE NEW New mirrors made too. Mostly evertning glass. 342-8769. OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR 7 16.

$175 587-1277, 347-7694. PORCH GLIDER Very good condition almost new! Can be seen 161 S. Brom ley Scranton RECONDITIONED I. B.M. Selectric typewriter, call 562-3723.

TORO SNOW THROWER 826. Electric start, tire chains, new condition. Call 226-3535. USED RAILROAD TIES-Call 457-7816. VANITIES Toilets, wood panelling, light fixtures, sofas, chairs, under lay-ment, paint, jeans, carpeting, waterb-eds, metal utility cabinets, dining room sets, pool chemicals, some mobile home parts.

The Warehouse, 1216 Jackson scranton. i tu i lues. 9 to 1. Miscellaneous Wanted 262 ALL FURNITURE All antiques, glass ware, wicker, pictures, clocks, dolls, house contents. Anything old.

343 5628 anytime. ALL FURNITURE Bedroom suites, dining room suites, glassware, antiques, 1 item or entire estate. 457-7854. I Will BIIV Vnur nra.1Q74 hahall cards. Phone 347-5805.

JAMES PROCTOR Buying estates' antiques, oriental rugs, oil paintings and quality furnishings. 346-1883, 679-2475, 222-9500, MACHINERY WANTED Used wet based coal stokers Losch EFM or other. 42-48 inch. Call (215) 367-7900 COLLECT. OLD DOLLS, Toys, Teddy Bears.

Playthings, Old Christmas Ornmaents, Platform decoration. ALWAYS BUYING collectables, antiques, unusual items. 344-6763. ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Any condition, antiques, Maxfield Parrish prints. Call (711 2IK-OUP1 REFRIGERATORS, COLOR T.V.'S-Ap-ptiances, in working condition.

Reason-able price. 347-8884, 343-9740. USED RUGS WANTED Highest prices paid for used patterned ano oriental type rugs. 7755, 282-lfm WANTED Used Console or spinet piano. Up to S600.

Call 844-724. WANTED VAN TYPE CONSTRUCTION STORAGE TRAILERS 35' or larger in fair to good condition. Must be transportable between jobs. Reply Box M-2, Times. 2,4,0 TICKETS TO ANNIE For September 18, 19, 20th.

BTL for any performance. Phone 587-5399. AUTOMOTIVE Mc4ofcycHH Scooters 858 HARLEY DAVIDSON 'TO Sportster, 1OO0CC Excellent shape, many extras. $3450. Call 347-0211.

HARLEY DAVIDSON "SI Silver-fray. Only 500 miles. Still under warranty. Must sell. WiH sacrifice.

Call 344-8415. hom*oA 70 BX. 1 owner. Excellent condition. Many extra.

CaM 383-2125 aner a. MONO 7S-CB-750-K-LT0. 10th Anniversary Limited Edition. Excellent. 5,000 miles.

$2000. 346-1949. HONDA Ce-7SOf '80, 5,000 mile. $2,500. Phone 586-8515 before9 p.m.

HUSKY S0 Excellent shape. $495. CaH 347-0211. KAWASAKI 70 175 KE, one owner, 1.200, dealer rebuilt Genuine bargain. $490.

346-5392. KAWASAKI SOLTD S50, 3,500 miles. Flu. Call 347-77Z4. KAWASAKI tl 440 LTD Speoial Edition.

Onkr 2000 mile. $125 Sissy Bar. $1,700. Cak 342-754 from to 5 p.m. MOTORCYCU TIRES And Oil.

Ron Davie Tire, Acre from 342-7544. '81 CADILLAC SEVILLE Gas Engine, Fully Loaded, Like New. STOP BY UK CALL 1 SU3ARU 5TATIOIJ now YOU DGiTT HAVE TO WAIT FOU SOMETHSIIQ V017TH VVAITIIIG FOIL You can have a new Subaru station wagon immediately! With front wheel drive. Or On Demand 4 wheel drive. That means no waiting for Subaru mileage, value, durability and reliability.

So come see us rw3 soon while they're in stock. If you wait too long now, you may have to wait a lot longer later. (M ISTIMATIS rOt OU S-SKf Tf 4NSMISSI0N FWO USI fill-MATED MFC COMNkeiSONS TOUt MILEAGE MAY DtFFEl DEPENDING ON DUIVINO SKEO, WEATHEe CONDITIONS AND Til LENGTH. ACTUAL HIGHWAY MILEAGE WILL 0UY IE LESS SUEAIU OF AMERICA, letl STATION WAGON GleWKD STATION WAGON ESxmrivxAiw'a EU3X TO STAY THAI Viit niriOOKA SUBARU COUNTRY Pittston Art. tf Davis SL (Exit 81.

141) ScrsBtan, Pa. I Jrm- er-t af Be. eU iav aU I 4Ht-.

The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.