How can you use push notifications to communicate with customers in CRM? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 12, 2024

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Define your goals and metrics


Segment your customers and personalize your messages

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Choose the right timing and frequency

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Optimize your copy and design


Test and analyze your push notifications

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Push notifications are messages that pop up on your customers' devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or browsers. They can help you communicate with your customers in CRM by delivering timely, relevant, and personalized information that can increase engagement, retention, and loyalty. However, push notifications can also annoy or overwhelm your customers if they are too frequent, irrelevant, or intrusive. In this article, you will learn how to use push notifications effectively in CRM, following some best practices and examples.

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  • Hariprasad Vadivel Solution Architect - CRM Technology - Sales and Commercial

    How can you use push notifications to communicate with customers in CRM? (3) 1

How can you use push notifications to communicate with customers in CRM? (4) How can you use push notifications to communicate with customers in CRM? (5) How can you use push notifications to communicate with customers in CRM? (6)

1 Define your goals and metrics

Before you start sending push notifications to your customers, you need to define your goals and metrics for your CRM communication strategy. What do you want to achieve with your push notifications? Do you want to increase app usage, conversions, feedback, referrals, or something else? How will you measure the success of your push notifications? What key performance indicators (KPIs) will you use, such as open rates, click-through rates, retention rates, or revenue? Having clear and specific goals and metrics will help you design, test, and optimize your push notifications.

  • Hariprasad Vadivel Solution Architect - CRM Technology - Sales and Commercial

    One thing I have found helpful is to enable the notification preferences to the end user. This step during the design phase will help in narrowing down the right kind of notification.


    How can you use push notifications to communicate with customers in CRM? (15) 1

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2 Segment your customers and personalize your messages

One of the most important aspects of using push notifications in CRM is to segment your customers and personalize your messages. You don't want to send the same generic message to all your customers, as this will reduce the relevance and value of your push notifications. Instead, you want to tailor your messages to different customer segments based on their behavior, preferences, location, demographics, or other criteria. For example, you can send a push notification to a customer who abandoned their cart, offering a discount or a reminder. Or you can send a push notification to a customer who completed a purchase, asking for a review or a referral. Personalizing your messages will make your customers feel more valued and engaged.

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3 Choose the right timing and frequency

Another key factor of using push notifications in CRM is to choose the right timing and frequency for your messages. You don't want to send your push notifications at random or inconvenient times, as this will annoy or interrupt your customers. Instead, you want to send your push notifications at optimal times, based on your customers' behavior, preferences, or location. For example, you can send a push notification to a customer who is near your store, offering a special deal or a recommendation. Or you can send a push notification to a customer who is inactive for a while, offering a reward or a reactivation. Choosing the right timing and frequency will make your push notifications more effective and respectful.

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4 Optimize your copy and design

The next step of using push notifications in CRM is to optimize your copy and design. You want to make sure that your push notifications are clear, concise, and compelling, as well as visually appealing and consistent with your brand identity. You only have a few seconds to catch your customers' attention and persuade them to take action, so you need to use catchy headlines, strong calls to action, and emotive language. You also need to use images, icons, emojis, or badges that enhance your message and make it stand out. Optimizing your copy and design will make your push notifications more attractive and persuasive.

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  • Hariprasad Vadivel Solution Architect - CRM Technology - Sales and Commercial

    Creating a single framework for sending different push notification is a key part for the future scalability. The framework includes accepting trigger from different sources, sending push notifications via different channels.

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5 Test and analyze your push notifications

The final step of using push notifications in CRM is to test and analyze your push notifications. You want to make sure that your push notifications are delivering the results that you want, and that you are not missing any opportunities or making any mistakes. You need to test different aspects of your push notifications, such as the content, the timing, the frequency, the segmentation, or the design, and compare the performance of different versions. You also need to analyze the data and feedback that you collect from your push notifications, such as the open rates, the click-through rates, the retention rates, or the revenue. Testing and analyzing your push notifications will help you improve and refine your CRM communication strategy.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Hariprasad Vadivel Solution Architect - CRM Technology - Sales and Commercial

    Too many notifications may frustrate the user, identifying the right kind of notification for each functionality is important. For example, we do not have to notify a user every time when a record is updated, we should rather find out key values such as ownership of the record etc.,


    How can you use push notifications to communicate with customers in CRM? (32) 1

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How can you use push notifications to communicate with customers in CRM? (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.